Upwards Publishing would be happy to organise Events for you. Whether they are corporate or personal celebrations – we are here to organise from start to finish, and cover all aspects including programme planning, entertainment, speakers, performers, risk assessments, security and insurance. With a team of twenty or more as required – your event will be amazing and you will get all the credit.

So you want to put on an event – we can be involved from initial concept to marketing, to personal invitations, to sourcing speakers and entertainment.
We work with venues, coordinate staff, organise food and follow up on completion with guests, speakers and attendees. And of course we carry out Social Media Campaigns, design and distribute marketing material, and link with celebrities where required.
If you have a dream of an event whether small or large – we can help in any area. Speak to us. An initial consultation is free.
What have we Done and Continue to Do?
Food Conferences
Food and Drink Exhibitions
Park Events
Overseas Speaker – one day event
Business Conferences
Business Networking events
Church Events
Organised Catering for VIPs (Houses of Parliament & Kensington Palace)
Cultural Events
Some of the Venues we have worked with to host events:
Savoy Hotel, The Strand, London
Brittannia International Hotel, Docklands, London
Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, London
Hyde Park, London
Excel Exhibition Centre
Epainos Ministries Church
Coffee Shop